Sunday, 6 February 2011

Fitting the furniture in

Well moving from quite a large 4 bedroomed house into a cottage was tricky, everything was too big and I had too much of everything. My neighbour Liz had said to me to not get rid of anything, just in case and shove it all in, so I took her advice and did just that, and also put some stuff in Holly's attic.
In the cottage of course there was no storage whatsoever, the attic was a bedroom and not even an understairs cupboard, so nowhere to hide anything. I ordered a gigantic shed to go at the bottom of the garden and then started to fit everything in.
As well as the furniture being too big, it also had to negotiate very narrow stairs with a door on them, and a 180 degree turn, we ended up dismantling all the upstairs furniture and re-building it, nothing seemed simple. I was lucky that Mike and Sally, my friends in Sussex were near enough to help me, as long as you supply Mike with coffee and chocolate he just works down the list, how lucky I am to have friends like that.
I saw an advert in the village for a handyman, he also needed coffee and chocolate, and to this day he has not completed my list either, he did put the shed up though and build some decking in front too.
I managed to get someone from round the corner in the village to widen the drive, and build some steps, he also recommended someone who helped me with some wrought iron gates; things were starting to take shape a last.

1 comment:

  1. You need to update your blog to show your beautiful flowers
